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Do you know what determines proper intimate hygiene?

It is often said that bad hygiene is actually worse than no hygiene at all. This is not an overstatement – bad hygienic habits can be a cause of an imbalance and infection in your intimate area. Take a look at the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding what determines proper intimate hygiene.

How often should I wash my intimate region?

Washing your intimate parts with lukewarm water or an intimate wash once a day is the perfect measure for good intimate health. However, during warm months, while on period or after exercise, you may feel the need to wash yourself more frequently. This is fine, as long as you stick to plain water if you need to shower several times a day. Remember to dry your intimate area thoroughly using a soft clean towel and patting gently.

What kind of soap should I use for my intimates?

Never, ever use regular soap. It is far too aggressive for the gentle skin of the intimate area. Soap can damage the protective barrier on the surface of the skin, leaving the door open for a potential infection. Choose a natural product that doesn’t contain soap or harsh detergents, perfume, dyes or preservatives, or simply use lukewarm water.

Can I use intimate wipes to maintain hygiene?

Intimate wipes are a perfect solution when you are on the go – whether it is when traveling, during summer or when sweating excessively, wipes can give you the refreshment you need. Make sure that the wipes you choose are specially designed for the intimate area, and that they don’t contain any harsh chemicals, fragrances or colors.

“Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy is linked to some more serious consequences, and should therefore be treated as soon as it is diagnosed”

Is cotton underwear really that important?

Synthetic fabrics prevent the skin from breathing. This increases perspiration and heat in the intimate region, and as you probably know, damp and dark areas with no sufficient air flow are the perfect grounds for microbes to prosper. Wearing tight clothing such as skinny jeans, leggings and tight shorts causes friction and can damage the skin tissue. This opens the door for the microbes to pass the skin barrier and cause an infection. That is why it is important to limit wearing this kind of clothing and keep your lace underwear for special occasions, while wearing cotton underwear on daily basis. Another thing you can do to keep good vaginal health is sleeping without underwear on. This will allow your intimate region to “air out” and recuperate overnight.

Why do experts recommend not to use colored and scented toilet paper?

Fragrances and dyes used to add color and scent to toilet paper (and other product, such as lotions, vaginal sprays and bubble baths), are common irritants that can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as irritation and discharge. That is why you should avoid all products containing these chemicals. Speaking of hygiene when using the toilet, never wipe from back to front – doing this can easily transfer the bacteria from anus to the vagina, causing infection.

Can I apply perfume to my intimate region?

Every vagina has a unique smell and that’s not a reason for concern. Of course, if you notice a strong odor, it can be quite embarrassing. Applying perfume or vaginal sprays can cause irritation and symptoms such as discharge, itch, burning and even odor.

How often should I change panty liners?

Every 3 to 4 hours. The same goes for pads and tampons where the risk of irritation is even greater, since menstrual blood is in the direct contact with the skin.