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Burning sensation in the vagina

A burning sensation in the intimate area is a common vaginal discomfort. Learn more about the causes and possible treatments.

Every woman experiences vaginal discomforts at some stage in their life. The most common symptoms include discharge, odor, itch, pain and vaginal burning. These symptoms can seriously affect the quality of life. Your love life may be particularly affected because sex can become very uncomfortable and even painful.

A burning sensation in the intimate area is usually a sign of irritation or an infection. It can be caused by:

  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Thrush (also known as yeast or candida infection)
  • Strong detergents, lotions, vaginal sprays, bubble baths, etc. These kinds of products often contain irritants and allergens that can cause a burning sensation shortly after application.
  • Menopause. Lack of estrogen causes thinning and shrinking of the vaginal tissue, and loss of the lubrication necessary for painless intercourse. This can cause friction and inflammation because the tissue is not as elastic and thick as it would be with higher levels of estrogen.
  • Both lack of hygiene and over-washing can damage the protective layer of the skin and open the door for microbes, irritants and allergens. Using regular soap or strong detergents can strip the surface barrier of the skin, causing inflammation and irritation.
  • Changes in the pH value of the vagina. This can be caused by many factors, including illness, medication, harsh soaps and detergents.
  • Antibiotics and antimycotics
  • Diabetes
  • Synthetic underwear and tight clothing
  • Irritation caused by condoms, spermicides, lubricants and even semen.

“A burning sensation in the intimate area is usually a sign of irritation or an infection”

What to do if you experience vaginal burning?

If you suspect that burning may be related to a product you used recently, rinse the area thoroughly as soon as possible to remove the residues and minimize the effect. Afterwards, use a natural, soothing product or a vaginal gel with prebiotics to help the good bacteria recuperate and give some immediate relief. In order to prevent these kinds of issues, choose natural products that do not contain harsh chemicals, fragrances or dyes.

If other symptoms occur, such as discharge, odor, itch or pain, it is possible that you have an infection. Check with your doctor if this is the case. There are good, highly effective, non-antibiotic, non-antimycotic treatments available for bacterial vaginosis, candida and other microbial imbalances.

If you are experiencing vaginal burning due to dryness, ask your gynecologist for a suitable solution. Your options include estrogen creams, vaginal moisturizers and lubricants. The main difference between moisturizers and lubricants is that the first group of products are intended to give you more long-term relief. This is ideal if vaginal dryness is causing discomfort when you exercise or walk.. Lubricants are used prior to sexual intercourse and will give short-term relief, which can help make sex more pleasurable and painless.

When irritation and inflammation occur, allow your vagina some time to heal and avoid intercourse until the symptoms are completely gone. Resist the urge to scratch the affected area, because this will only make things worse, causing swelling and pain.